Thursday, 17 April 2014

Ibsa ABO | The OLF Condemns the Acts of Ethnic Cleansing in Finfinnee

Posted: Ebla/April 17, 2014 ·
The following is the statement of the Oromo Liberation Front (OLF) on the current situation of eviction of Oromo farmers from regions Surrounding Finfinnee and the ongoing land-grab.

The OLF Condemns the Acts of Ethnic Cleansing Perpetrated Against the Oromo People by the TPLF-led Regime in Finfinnee (Addis Ababa)

16th April 2014
We are gravely concerned that the Tigray People’s Liberation Front-led (TPLF) regime has, once again, intensified its policy of cleansing the Oromo people from Finfinnee, the capital city of Oromia, and the surrounding districts.
The regime first created the so-called Oromia Special Zone in 2008 and since pursued a relentless systematic removal of the indigenous Oromo people from their ancestral land in the name of “land for investors”, with the sole purpose of forcefully usurping and controlling Oromo land and resource.
The Oromo towns including Akaki, Bonsa, Burayu, Chaffe, Chancho, Dukam, Galan, Holata, Mojo, Mulo, Sabata, Sandafa, Sululta, and Walamara, which the regime has brought under the administration of the “Special Zone”, are scattered along the four main gates to and from the capital in the range of 25Km to 50Km from the capital city.
The regime has launched its most recent atrocity under the guise of “Addis Ababa and the Surrounding Oromia Integrated Development Plan Project” and annexed the aforementioned towns from Oromia. The regimes’ long-term sinister strategic plan is to surgically remove Finfinnee and the surrounding from Oromia and annex it to the neighboring Amhara state and deprive Oromia of its vital economic and political capital when Oromia eventually becomes an independent country.
Having compulsorily and illegally evicted the Oromo people from areas surrounding their capital city, and now removing a huge landmass and vital strategic towns away from Oromia, the regime has — as it did in 2004 when it imprisoned, killed and exiled over 350 Oromo students for opposing the eviction of Oromo institutions from their capital city — provoked the Oromo youth to rise up and protest. Now it will use this as pretext to dismiss Oromo students from universities, imprison them, and send them into exile en masse.
The TPLF regime and its collaborators need to understand that the land taken from the Oromo people will be returned to its lawful owners sooner or later.
The regime has been waging state terrorism against the Oromo people to suppress their protest against eviction from their homeland and confiscation of their farmlands. It has imprisoned tens of thousands of them for their objection to its apartheid-like educational policy and for their demands of political rights and the right of self-determination for the past two decades. Numerous reports from credible regional and international human rights organizations confirm that the TPLF considers all socially and politically conscious Oromo nationals as enemies, and that it targets them as such.
There has been no regime that has pushed the Oromo people harder than the TPLF in their history. They are being pushed to the limit by the brutalities of the regime and have no alternative but to rise up in unison. Hence, the current TPLF-led regime needs to be reminded that its premeditated human rights abuses and dehumanization of the Oromo people constitute a recipe for a disastrous civil war.
The OLF believes the TPLF must be stopped. The OLF will do all in its power to strengthen its struggle against the regime. We will also renew our call to our people to stand shoulder to shoulder and strengthen our unity to defeat the enemy and guarantee the survival of our nation.
Oromia shall be free!
Oromo Liberation Front

Addi Bilisummaa Oromoo Mootummaan Wayyaanee Oromoo Finfinnee fi Naannoo Keessaa Haxaayee Baasuuf Itti Jiru Ni Balaaleffata

16 Ebla 2014
Mootummaan Itoophiyaa Adda Bilisummaa Uummata Tigraayiin (Wayyaaneen) gaggeeffamu magaalaa guddittii Oromiyaa, Finfinnee fi magaalota naannoo ishee jirani irraa Oromoo haxaayee baasuuf imaammata qabu itti fufuun isaa hedduu yaaddessaa ta’ee jira.
Mootummaan Wayyaanee jalqaba bara 2008 keessa godina addaa Oromiyaa kan jedhu uumuun Oromoota akaakayyuu fi abaabayyuun laficha irra jiraataa turan buqqisuun shiraan maqaa ’misooina’ jedhuun lafa Oromoo humnaan saamee towannaa isaa jala galchee jira. Finfinnee irraa km 25 – 50 irratti kan argaman magaalonni akka Aqaaqii, Boonsaa, Buraayyuu, Caffee, Caancoo, Duukam, Galaan, Hoolota, Moojoo, Muloo, Sabbata, Sandaafaa, Sulultaa fi Walmaraa bulchiinsa godinoota addaa Oromiyaa jedhamu jalatti yeroo ammaa kana dhuunfaa mootummaa Wayyaanee jala jiru.
Akka hammeenya mootummaan Wayyaanee caalaatti yeroo dhihoo kana jalqabee jiruutti aguuggii ’Finfinnee fi Karoora Qindoomina Proojektii Guddina Misooma Naannoo Addaa Oromiyaa’ jedhuun magaalota arman ol maqaan ka’e Finfinneetti maxxansuuf yaalaa jira. Akeekni kanaas Finfinnee fi naannoo ishee Oromiyaa irraa kutuun bulchiinsa isaa biyyoota ollaa kan akka Amaaraan walitti dabaluun fuulduratti siyaasaa fi hawaasummaa Oromiyaa walaba taatu xiqqeessuuf akka ta’e hubatamaa dha.
Mootummaan Wayyaanee Oromoota naannoo magaalaa guddittii isaanii taate Finfinnee jiraataa turan dirqamaa fi seeraa ala buqqisaa turee amman tana ammoo lafuma isaanii kanaa fi magaalota beekamoo naannoo Finfinnee Oromiyaa irraa kutuun Finfinneettan dabala jechaa jira.
Mootummaan TPLF kun bara 2004 keessas akkuma kana dhaabbatoota Oromoo Finfinnee irraa buqqisuuf yeroo tattaafataa ture barattoota Oromoo sadarkaa olaanaa gocha kana morman 350 ol ta’an hidhuu, ajjeesuu fi biyya irraa akka godaanan godhe ture. Ammas barattoota Oromoo University tuttuquun akka isaan mormii kaasan gochuun hedduminaan barumsa irraa akka arihataman, mana hidhaatti akka guuraman akkasumas biyya irraa gara biyya alaatti akka godaanan gochuuf kan yaadame dha.
Mootummaan Wayyaanee fi warri isa waliin tumsa qaban oolee bula malee lafti Oromoo seeraan abbaa lafaa kan ta’e Oromootti akka deebi’uu danda’u beekuu qabu.
Mootummaan kun Oromoon dache isaa irraas ta’e qonnaa isaa irraa yommuu buqqa’u akka hin iyyanneef ykn hin mormineef ’seera shororkeessituu’ baafatuun ittiin gadi qabaa jira. Kana dura waggoota kurnan lamaan darban keessa imaammata barumsaa kan seera ’aparteid’ fakkaatuu gadi hinjirre mormuuf, gaaffii mirga siyaasaa fi mirga hiree ofii ofiin murteeffachuu gaafachuuf barattoonni kumaatamatti lakkaa’aman sochii waan godhaniif mana hidhaatti guuraman. Akka gabaasota dhabota mirga dhala namaa Addunyaatti, Wayyaaneen siyaasaanis ta’e hawaasummaan Oromoota eenyumaa isaanii irratti dammaqiinsa qaban irratti xiyyeeffachuun akka diineffatee jiru ragaa bahu.
Seenaa cunqursootaa keessatti kan akka Wayyaanee uummata Oromoo irratti dhiibbaa guddaa godhe hin turre. Kanaaf uummatni Oromoo tokkummaan ka’ee qabsoo isaa jabeessuu malee fala biraa hinqabu. Mootummaan Wayyaanee kan beekuu qabu qeyee isaa irratti mirga uummata Oromoo jeequu fi namummaa isaa xiqqeessuuf gocha itti jiru kana irraa yoo of hinqusanne ummatoota biyyattii gidduutti wal waraansi akka ka’uuf karaa banaa akka jiru dha.
Wayyaaneen gocha uummata Oromoo irratti raawwataa jiru kana irraa dhaabamu akka qabu Addi Bilisummaa Oromoo itti amana. ABOn qabsoo mootummaa Wayyaanee irratti godhu karuma fedheen iyyuu ciminaan itti fufa. Uummanni Oromoo tokkummaan harka walqabatee qabsoo isaa jabeessuun diina isaa injifatee abbaa biyyummaa isaa akka mirkaneeffatuuf irra deebiin waamicha keenya haaressina.
Oromiyaan Ni Bilisoomti!
Adda Bilisummaa Oromoo

1 comment:

  1. Once again the Oromo people must be ready to deference their lands from many coronaries, like Wollo Rayya Qobbo, The bravely Sacrafieced Oromo Wolloo! Has the matter of Facts, We are Oromo Wolloo! no matter what!! Stand Up !! Oromo once again Together AS once Oromo people defended Before The Oromo O. D. F. V. N . Mo > now Are Be Prepared as one Oromo lives wasted for ever lands!! This Faris Ali Jima; The Author for the Book club for Oromo people Around The World!!
